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Raymond Island, Victoria

Late updated: 2023-09-26

Raymond Island, Victoria is a small island, across a small channel from Paynesville, Victoria, where my spouse and I stayed on a road trip with a friend. A conspicuous koala population lives on the island. A walk through most of the island takes less than a couple of hours and is entirely flat. We saw heaps of koalas, but one family we ran into said they'd seen something like 45 koalas. We didn't see quite that many, but they are easy to find. There was even one sitting in the tree right by the ferry terminal, so it took less than 20 seconds before we saw the first koala. The island has several suggested walking trails. One of them is a boardwalk over a wetland area on the Paynesville side of the island. The boardwalk has nice views of Paynesville, heaps of sail boats, and, like Paynesville itself, hosts a large number of black swans. We were luck enough to see a handful of baby black swans swimming with their families.